Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar

Paper Presentation And PPT Mobile Ad - HOC Networks For IT

Paper Presentation Mobile Ad - HOC Networks Extensions To Zone Routing Protocol
ABSTRACT: Secure communication, an important aspect of any networking environment, is an especially signicant challenge in ad hoc networks. The MANET paradism seeks to enable communication across networks whose topology and membership can change frequently. Its distinctive feature is that network nodes need to collaborate with their peers in supporting the network functionality. In such an environment, malicious or selfish nodes can disrupt or even deny the communications of potentially any node within the ad hoc networking domain. This is so, exactly because every node in the network is not only entitled, but is in fact required, to assist in the network establishment, the network maintenance, and the network operation.
Ad-Hoc Networks consist of peer-to-peer communicating nodes that are highly mobile. As such, an ad-hoc network lacks infrastructure and topology of the network changes dynamically. The task of routing data from a source to a destination in such a network is challenging. Several routing protocols have been proposed for wireless ad-hoc networks. Most of these protocols, however, presuppose the presence of bi-directional links between the nodes in the network. In reality the ad-hoc network may consist of heterogeneous nodes with different power capabilities and hence, different transmission ranges. When this is the case, a given node might be able to receive the transmission of another given node but might not be able to successfully transmit to the latter. Thus, unidirectional links are formed. Most of the current routing protocols are unsuitable for deployment when such unidirectional links are present. We consider a routing protocol called the zone routing protocol (ZRP) that has been proposed for wireless ad-hoc networks with bi-directional links. The zone routing protocol employs a hybrid proactive (table driven) and reactive (on- demand) methodology to provide scalable routing in the ad-hoc network. However, in the presence of unidirectional links some routes remain undiscovered if ZRP is used. We propose extensions to ZRP to support its deployment when unidirectional links are present. In particular, we propose a query enhancement mechanism that recursively builds partial routes to a destination.

PPT And Seminar Topic On Visualizing Internet Routing Changes For IT

ABSTRACT: Today’s Internet provides a globaldata delivery service to millions of end usersand routing protocols play a critical role inthis service. It is important to be able toidentify and diagnose any problemsoccurring in Internet routing. However, theInternet’s sheer size makes this task difficult. One cannot easily extract out themost important or relevant routinginformation from the large amounts of data. collected from multiple routers. To tacklethis problem, we have developed Link-Rank, a tool to visualize Internet routingchanges at the global scale. Link-Rank weighs links in a topological graph by thenumber of routes carried over each link andvisually captures changes in link weights inthe form of a topological graph withadjustable size. Using Link-Rank, network operators can easily observe importantrouting changes from massive amounts of routing data, discover otherwise unnoticedrouting problems, understand the impact of topological events, and infer root causes of observed routing changes.
KeyWords: Network visualization,information visualization, Internet routing,interactive graphics, data analysis, visualmining

Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic On XML For IT

ABSTRACT: XML, the Extensible Markup Language, which is the best describedas means of structuring data. XML was developed by the XML workinggroup, which started out as “the SGML Editorial Review Board”, formed by the W3C(world wide web consortium) in1996 and chaired by JonBosak.XML has ability to work with HTML and definitively not an extension of HTML. XML has ability to work with HTML for data display and presentation. XML is a markup language that can run on any platform,operating system environment and is designed to provide developers with amechanism to better describe their content. XML was developed to providea structured environment for developers to create DTDs (Document Type Definitions) for content that doesn’t fit into the HTML mold. Both internetexplorer 4 and5 as well as Netscape Navigator 5, have support for XML

Paper Presentation On Virtual Prototype Systems For IT

Virtual Prototype Systems Application Of Embedded Systems
ABSTRACT: By today's standards, early microprocessor- based systems were simple, not least because they typically employed only asingle processor (possibly with a few co- processors, such as a floating-point co- processor) with a relatively simpleinstruction set running at low clock frequency. This processor communicatedwith a small number of comparativelysimple memory and peripheral devices bymeans of a single 8-bit or 16-bit data buswith a simple read/write and signaling protocol.Those days have long gone. There iscurrently a tremendous growth in thedevelopment of systems that involve tens or hundreds of complex processors andhardware accelerators in closely coupled or networked topologies. In addition to tieredmemory structures and multi-layer busstructures, these super systems ² whichmay be executing hundreds of millions totens of billions of instructions per second ² feature extremely complex softwarecomponents, and this software content iscurrently increasing almost exponentially.Aggressive competition makes today'selectronics markets extremely sensitive totime-to-market pressures. This is especiallytrue in consumer markets such as cell phones, where the opportunity for a new product to make an impact can sometimes be as little as two to four months. However,a recent report showed that more than 50 percent of embedded system developmentsrun late, while 20 percent either fail to meettheir requirements specifications or arecancelled in their entirety.

Seminar Topic And PPT On Morphalogical Image Processing For IT

TheMorphological image processing is generally based on the analysis of atwo valued image interms of certain predetermined geometricshape known asstructuring element. Theterm morphology refersto the branch of biologythat deals with the formand structure of animalsand plants.A very wellsuited approach for extracting significantfeatures from images thatare useful in therepresentation and description of regionshapes is morphological(shape-based) processing.Morphological processing refers tocertain operations wherean object is Hit or Fitwith structuring elementsand thereby reduced to amore revealing shape.These structuringelements are shape primitives which aredeveloped to representsome aspect of theinformation or the noise.By applying thesestructuring elements tothe data using differentalgebraic combinations,one performsmorphologicaltransformations on thedata.TheMorphological ImageProcessing operations areapplied for binary images in FORENSICS :
FingerprintEnhancement andreduction of noisein finger printimages.

Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic On Diamond Search For IT

Abstract: In video coding, block-based motion estimation plays a vital role for videocompression. There are few block matching algorithms existing for motionestimation and motion compensation. In this paper a three step diamondsearch algorithm is proposed. The performance of this algorithm iscompared with other algorithms by means of error metrics and number of search points. This algorithm achieves close performance with that of TSS.It uses less number of search points than TSS. When compared with originalDS algorithm, this algorithm requires less computation time and gives animproved performance.
Key words:
Block based motion estimation, Block matching algorithm, search pattern,Diamond search.
Motion estimation is atechnique used to reduce the temporal redundancy. It uses the correlation between the successive frames to predict the content of frames. In themotion estimation process the frame is divided into number of nonoverlapping areas known as blocks. Each block can be with a standard sizeof 16×16.The difference between the current frame and the predicted framecontents is calculated in motion estimation .In addition to motion estimation,some additional information’s are also needed to indicate any changes in the prediction process. This is known as motion compensation

Paper Presentation On Artificial Neural Network (ANN) For IT

Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique forthe measurement of voltage stability using FACTS Controller

Abstract: A Methodology is proposed for the online monitoring and assessment of voltage stability margins,using artificial neural networks and FACTS controllers with a reduced input data setfrom the power system. In this methodology, first the system model isreduced using self – organized artificialneural networks and an extended AESOPS algorithm. Then supervised learning of multilayered artificial neural networks is carried out on the basis of this reducedmodel. Finally, on the basis of trainednetwork and the reduced set of system variables, monitoring is carried out alongwith the assessment of voltage stabilitymargins. This methodology is tested comparatively with a methodology for monitoring and assessing voltage stabilityusing a complete input data set. The tests were carried out on a real power system with92 buses. The results obtained indicate the justifiability of using a reduced system because of the increased efficiency andaccuracy of calculation, both in the learning stage and in the recall stage of the artificialneural network.

Paper Presentation On Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference For IT

Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Based On HVDC Control
This paper presents computationally simpleand accurate expert systemfor Control of HVDCsystem. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS) is applied anddiscussed in detail. ANFIS based current control isalso developed for aHVDCsystem. The procedure isoutlined in the paper.ANFIS based control can be easily combined withthe fault identifier to formintegrated system, whichcan improve dynamicresponse of HVDC systems.Fuzzy system, Adaptiveneuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS),genetic algorithm, etc. have metgrowing interest in many industrialapplications. The past two decadeshave revealed great advances in theapplication of artificial intelligence to power systems. A trend that is growingin visibility relates to the use of fuzzylogic in combination with neuro-computing and genetic algorithms.More generally, fuzzy logic, neuro-computing, and genetic algorithms may be viewed as the principal constituentsof what might be called soft computing.Unlike the traditional hard computing,soft computing is aimed at anaccommodation with the pervasiveimprecision of the real world. Number of papers are available that deal withthe application of artificial intelligencein the area of power systems

Paper Presentation On Speech Recognition For EEE

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the process of automatically recognizing who is speaking on the basis of individual information included in speech waves. Speaker recognition methods can be divided into text-independent and text-dependent methods. In a text-independent system, speaker models capture characteristics of somebody's speech, which show up irrespective of what one is saying. In a text-dependent system, on the other hand, the recognition of the speaker's identity is based on his or her speaking one or more specific phrases, like passwords, card numbers, PIN codes, etc. This paper is based on text independent speaker recognition system and makes use of mel frequencepstrum coefficients to process the input signal and vector quantization approach to identify the speaker. The above task is implemented using MATLAB. This technique is used in application areas such as control access to services like voice dialing, banking by telephone, database access services, voice mail, security control for confidential information areas, and remote access to computers.

Real-time Monitoring and Assessment of Circuit Breaker Operations for EEE


Abstract: Circuit breakers (CBs) are very important elements in the power system. They are used to switch other equipment in and out of service. Circuit breakers need to be reliable since their incorrect operation can cause major issues with power system protection and control. Today’s practice in monitoring circuit breaker operation and status in real time is reduced to the use of Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to assess CB status. More detailed information about the control circuit performance may be obtained by CB test equipment typically used for maintenance diagnostics (1). This paper addresses two important issues:a) how improved CB monitoring may be implemented in real-time, and b) what would be the benefits of such an implementation.The results reported in this paper are coming from two research projects, conducted using funding from Center Point Energy and DOE-CERTS aimed at development of software for automated analysis of CB data and the other covering development of the CB data acquisition unit respectively. The paper is devoted to description of a prototype implementation of a real-time CB monitoring system. The system consists of a new CB monitoring data acquisition IED that is located at circuit breaker and captures detailed information about its operation in real-time. The CB files are transferred to the concentrator PC where the application software performs automated analysis and makes an assessment about the operational status of the breaker. The software is based on signal processing and expert system processing. Application example using actual field data is discussed The paper ends with some conclusions, acknowledgments and a list of references.

Paper Presentation On Real Timepower System Security For EEE


Abstract: Contingency analysis of a power system is a major activity in power system planning and operation. In general an outage of one transmission line or transformer may lead to over loads in other branches and/or sudden system voltage rise or drop. The traditional approach of security analysis known as exhaustive security analysis involving the simulation of all conceivable contingencies by full AC load flows, becomes prohibitively costly in terms of time and computing resourcesA new approach using Artificial Neural Network s has been proposed in this paper for real-time network security assessment. Security assessment has two functions the first is violation detection in the actual system operating state. The second, much more demanding, function of security assessment is contingency analysis. In this paper, for the determination of voltage contingency ranking, a method has been suggested, which eliminates misranking and masking effects and security assessment has been determined using Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network for the real time control of power system. The proposed paradigms are tested on IEEE 14 – bus and 30 – bus systems.

Paper Presentation On Fuzzy Logic in Electrical Systems For EEE

In this paper, the feasibility of Fuzzy Logic as an effective control tool for DC motors is dealt with.The Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is showing a better performance than conventional controllers in the form of increased robustness.In this paper, the role of Fuzzy Logic as a controller and its implementation is studied. Fuzzy logic resembles human decision making with its ability to work from approximate data and find precise solutions. It provides tools for dealing with imprecision due to uncertainty and vagueness, which is intrinsic to many engineering problems. Fuzzy logic is a powerful problem solving methodology introduced by Lotfi Zadeh in 1960’s. Fuzzy logic is a continuous form of logic. eg (bad, very bad, poor, average). It allows modeling complex systems using a higher level of abstraction originating from our knowledge and experience.

Seminar Topic On Dc Motor Speed Control a Fuzzy Approach For EEE

This paper presents an insight into the speed control of D.C motor using a fuzzy logic controller to meet the desired speed. Fuzzy logic is one of the most successful applications of fuzzy set in which the variables are linguistic rather than numeric. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is based on a set of control rules (fuzzy rules) among linguistic variables. The personal computer provides the necessary flexibility in setting any speed profile with the use of fuzzy packages. Basically a D.C shunt motor has drooping speed-torque characteristics. The proposed fuzzy controller results in a better response compared to the basic fuzzy controller and normal response of D.C motor. The step response parameters can be closely controlled with the help of simple operations within the controller. The simulation is carried out and the simulation results present the flexibility of the motor speed control.
KEY WORDS: fuzzy controller, speed-torque characteristics, fuzzification, De- fuzzification.

Paper Presentation On Brain Controlled Car for Disabled For EEE

This paper considers the development of a brain driven car, which would be of great help to the physically disabled people. Since these cars will rely only on what the individual is thinking they will hence not require any physical movement on the part of the individual. The car integrates signals from a variety of sensors like video, weather monitor, anti-collision etc. it also has an automatic navigation system in case of emergency. The car works on the asynchronous mechanism of artificial intelligence. It’s a great advance of technology which will make the disabled, abled. Once the driver (disabled) nears the car. The security system of the car is activated. Images as well as thermo graphic results of the driver are previously fed into the database of the computer. If the video images match with the database entries then the security system advances to the next stage. Here the thermo graphic image verification is done with the database. Once the driver passes this stage the door slides to the sides and a ramp is lowered from its floor.

Paper Presentation On Automatic Speaker Recognition System For EEE

Speaker recognition is the process of automatically recognizing who is speaking on the basis of individual information included in speech waves. This technique makes it possible to user's voice to verify their identity and control access to services such as voice dialing, banking by telephone, telephone shopping, database access services, information services, voice mail, security control for confidential information areas, and remote access to computers.The goal of this project is to build a simple, yet complete and representative automatic speaker recognition system. Due to the limited space, we will only test our system on a very small (but already non-trivial) speech database. There were 8 female speakers, labeled from S1 to S8. All speakers uttered the same single digit "zero" once in a training session and once in a testing session later on. Those sessions are at least 6 months apart to simulate the voice variation over the time. The vocabulary of digit is used very often in testing speaker recognition because of its applicability to many security applications. For example, users have to speak a PIN (Personal Identification Number) in order to gain access to the laboratory door, or users have to speak their credit card number over the telephone line. By checking the voice characteristics of the input utterance, using an automatic speaker recognition system similar to the one that we will develop, the system is able to add an extra level of security.

Remote Detection of Illegal Electricity Usage via Power Line Communications For EEE

A Solution to Remote Detection of Illegal Electricity Usage via Power Line Communications - EEE

Power line communication (PLC) presents an interesting and economical solution for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR). If an AMR system via PLC is set in a power delivery system, a detection system for illegal electricity usage may be easily added in the existing PLC network. In the detection system, the second digitally energy meter chip is used and the value of energy is stored. The recorded energy is compared with the value at the main kilo Watt-hour meter. In the case of the difference between two recorded energy data, an error signal is generated and transmitted via PLC network. The detector and control system is proposed. The architecture of the system and their critical components are given. The measurement results are given.

Paper Presentation On A Noval Active Power Filter for Harmonic Supression For EEE

In this paper, a novel active power filter is proposed and implemented by sing a voltage-source power converter with a series connected inductor and capacitor set. The power converter is controlled to generate a compensating voltage that is converted into a compensating current via the series connected inductor and capacitor set. The compensating current flows into the power feeder in order to suppress the harmonic currents generated by nonlinear loads. The salient advantages of the proposed active Power filter are lower voltage rating of dc capacitor and power switching devices, smaller filter inductor, smaller dimension, light weight, better filter performance and low electromagnetic interference (EMI). A three-phase 100 k VA active power filter is developed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed active power filter has the expected performance.

Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic On CALLCENTER For CSE

Call center has tremendous impact on business. Call centers for selling goods and services, as well as call centers for providing customer care, is going to become a familiar part of the business of virtually every person. Call centers also ioneered the developed of self-service via the telephone, using interactive voice response technology. It is providing a richer and friendlier environment for elf-service transactions than the tone telephone. A Call center is an area where several customer service representative (CSR) agents are located to man a bank of telephones and computer terminals. These agents are specially trained on telephone etiquette, the type of customer queries, that may arise and on how to respond to these queries in a quick and efficient manner. A Call center can also equipped with an automatic call handling system like an Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) so that all routine, repetitive queries can be answered by the system with out the customer having to speak to a CSR agent.

Carnivor - Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic For CSE

Development of the technology is natural. As the technology grows human life becomes simple and comfortable. Technological innovations often create ripples in unexpected quarters. while the spread of the internet is being hailed as a revolution in stature only next to the industrial revolution and e-mail picked the “Killer application”. Today Billions of business transactions are taking place using e-mails. E-mails are become so popular that we doubt whether human life will go smoothly without e-mails. E-mails initiated a lot of debate on matters of security and ethics it has always been seen that reasonably suspicious minds of law enforcement agencies get further more as scientific innovations take place. Hence it was not surprising when the federal bureau of investigation developed carnivore. Technology can be used for good as well as for bad purposes. The development of technology makes the human life comfortable and simple but at the same time it also helps to anti-social elements like criminals and terrorist. With the evolution of communication system they can talk and send information as easy as we talk with our family members and friends. The evolution of cell-phone technology is useful for both normal people as well as for the terrorist and criminals at the same extent. For avoiding this type of crimes law enforcement agencies were developed the phone tapping technology.

Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic For CSE On Component Object Model

COM stands for Component Object Model. It is a Microsoft specification that describes how to create reusable objects for programmers working in a Win32 programming environment. This makes it easy to develop objects that can be distributed independently of an application program file. In earlier versions of VB or other windows programming environment, the COM under other names such as OLE Server or Activex Server. Components and Objects are used to develop an application. Since many languages have the ability to include objects in source code, why should you use COM? COM is the foundation of most things that Microsoft does. Without COM ,Visual Basic wouldn’t work, nor would Windows, SQL Server, or any number of Microsoft products. The true test of Microsoft’s confidence in COM is that its applications are based on COM technology. Word 2000 and Excel 2000 are based heavily on COM, as are many other Microsoft applications.

Customer Relations Management - Paper Presentation For CSE

The success of any business depends on customer satisfaction. This is particularly true in today’s competitive, deregulated electric utility environment. Since customers have many service choices, the electric utility that better serves its customers will be the electric utility that better retains its customers.Customer service and customer satisfaction are no longer the sole responsibility of a single department. Managing customer relations is a function of every employee at a customer-centric utility. In order to successfully and consistently manage customer relations, accurate and timely information must be available to every employee in the enterprise. What better media for disseminating information enterprise-wide than the corporate intranet or the Internet. This paper presents how Internet-based applications can be used to improve customer relations within the electric utility business. Emphasis will be placed on geospatially-enhanced customer relations management (CRM) systems. The electric utility business has always been a service-oriented industry, but in a deregulated market, maintaining customer loyalty and satisfaction has become critical. As the focus shifts to a more customer-centric environment, new technologies must be introduced to keep pace1. Communication technologies must deliver and distribute critical information in a timely fashion. The Internet has emerged as a viable business tool for internal and customer-facing communications.

Internet Cryptography - Paper Presentation For CSE

The Internet or the global Internet is the internationally connected network of computer networks with addresses that are administrated by IANA (Internet address and Naming Authority). It grew dramatically because anyone can connect to it and any one connected to it can connect others to it as well. Each site that connected to it, can become an Internet Service provider to other sites.The features that give Internet its vitality also make it unsafe, like streets of a major city. People do not walk carelessly in vital, teeming city. A careful person approaches the Internet with caution.The essential problem is that you can make no assumptions about data you send in, receive over the Internet. Data you send could be modified by subverted routing host before it arrives at its destination. The data could be stolen and resorted to a different destination, never arriving where it should. Data you receive could be , completely forged (or) simply modified in transit. If your data is important then there is a real risk of someone interfering with it, then you need, protection.Thus, business data that crosses the public Internet can be forged, modified and stolen.

Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar

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